tv astronomija Sledeća strana

Kada bi Zemlja imala prstenove



U astronomiji terminator je linija koja razdvaja dan od noći na nekom telu.

meseczasvenas Mesec za sve nas

Soyuz TMA-15 Launch: May 27, 200

Lansiranje Sojuza ka ISS

Nova era na ISSu


Misija Kepler - amimacije

Video zapisi o misiji Kepler


Svemirski teleskop Habl - video zapisi



STS 125 HD Flight Day 3 Highlights

STS-125 Crew share a look inside the Atlantis as they approach and grapple the Hubble Space Telescope



The Best of Hubble - Slideshow of Magnificent Space Imagery

Some of the best and grandest images we could find of space and nebulas taken by the Hubble Space Telescope.

Priče o Plutonu.

Interesantni filmići o i u vezi Plutona

Filmovi o Međunarodnoj svemirskoj stanici

STS-124 Launch

Lansiranje spejs šatla Dicovery ka Međunaodnoj svemirskoj stanici.


Velika prijevara Globalnog zatopljenja

Osam epizoda koje bacaju drugo svetlo na promene klime na Zemlji.

The size of the planets & stars

A cool video of the size of the planets & a few stars to scale.

Želite li da putujete u svemir?
Atlantis Backflip

Atlantis flips over to allow station crewmembers to photograph the orbiters heat shield

How To Use The Bathroom In Space

When You Gotta Go You Gotta Go

The Future of Our World

A view of the future evolution of the Earth, our Sun and the Universe. Credit:

Sun expands into red giant

This is a nice animation created by the guys at ESA to illustrate how the Sun will expand into a red giant at the end of its life and what will happen to the Earth.

Astronauts Explore the Moon

NASA animation shows astronauts returning to the moon and exploring its surface

Total Lunar Eclipse - February 20, 2008

A timelapse of the total lunar eclipse on February 20th, 2008. Recorded with still images. Thanks for the feature!

Total Lunar Eclipse - February 20, 2008

Soon after sunset on Wednesday evening, February 20, skywatchers can watch the rising full Moon undergoing a total eclipse. Next total eclipse won't be until December 2010!

Iraqi TV Debate: Is the Earth Flat?

A debate between an Iraqi "Researcher on Astronomy" and a physicist on Iraqi television. Apparently, this is an important question in the Islamic world...

WorldWide Telescope

Science educator Roy Gould and Microsoft's Curtis Wong give an astonishing sneak preview of Microsoft's new WorldWide Telescope -- a technology that combines feeds from satellites and telescopes all over the world and the heavens, and weaves them together holistically to build a comprehensive view of our universe.

Nacionalni muzej vazduhoplovstva i svemirskih istraživanja u Vašingtonu

Nacionalni muzej vazduhoplovstva i svemirskih istraživanja u Vašingtonu je već decenijama među najposećenijim turističkim atrakcijama američke prestonice.

Džinovi sa lunarnim bazama na leđima

U okviru teksta se nalazei i četiri kratka filma o lunarnom vozilu

IYA2009 Trailer

This is the official trailer for the IYA2009. Credit: International Year of Astronomy 2009, IAU and UNESCO

Garrett Reisman

Stephen goes intergalactic when he makes contact with a Hero floating in space.

Phoenix Mars Lander: Entry Descent and Landing

'It will be a real nail-biter on May 25, 2008, for engineers, as the Phoenix spacecraft performs a series of challenging maneuvers right before it lands on Mars.'

Phoenix Mars Lander: Entry Descent and Landing

Developed in the summer of 2004, this animation visulaizes launch in August 2007 and entry, descent, and landing of the Phoenix Mars Mission in May 2008.

Astronomski kamp "Letenka 2007"
Buzz Aldrin punches a journalist in the face

"Buzz" Aldrin punches hack-journalist Bart Sibrel in the face for calling him a coward and a liar. Well done buzz!


Približilo se vreme velikog eksperimenta, o Bože, šta će s nama biti!?


Venus vs. Earth. Comparison of - sizes - rotion periods - spins - of both planets.


Leta 2008. godine je nastao film koji vam može obajsniti sve ono što ste hteli da znate a niste imali koga da pitate o astronomiji u Petnici"


Police dash cam of Meteor over Edmonton, Canada.
Filmed about 5:30pm Thursday November 20th 2008





  • Aleksandar Zorkić said More
    Biće još razgovora sa prof.... 9 sati ranije
  • vanja09 said More
    vanja09:D :D
    dobro jutro, mastralno,... 15 sati ranije
  • Ego said More
    Čak ni bajka, ne poznaje ,,kašu'',... 1 dan ranije
  • Baki said More
    “Zabavna činjenica”. Ideja da... 5 dana ranije
  • Željko Kovačević said More
    Sjajni intervju, pravo uživanje. Jako... Pre 1 nedelje
