TV Astronomija

TV Astronomija

Snimci, razni o astronomiji i sl.

Termonuklearna umetnost - Sunce u ultra-HD

kamera sunce4a   It’s always shining, always ablaze with light and energy that drive weather, biology and more. In addition to keeping life alive on Earth, the sun also sends out a constant flow of particles called the solar wind, and it occasionally erupts with giant clouds of solar material, called coronal mass ejections, or explosions of X-rays called solar flares. These events can rattle our space environment out to the very edges of our solar system....

Opširnije: Termonuklearna umetnost - Sunce u ultra-HD

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  • Baki said More
    NASA je nedavno objavila da im je... 1 sat ranije
  • Rapaic Rajko said More
    Ne bih bio tako skeptican kad je Mask u... 5 sati ranije
  • Rapaic Rajko said More
    Dopuna mog prethodnog komentara.... 6 sati ranije
  • Rapaic Rajko said More
    Nesto u ovom clanku donekle zbunjuje.... 6 sati ranije
  • Драган Танаскоски said More
    Au, na njih su neki verovatno zaboravili... 9 sati ranije
