

Dark-Sky Slovenia
Lastovo Island, Lastovo Nature Park, Croatia
6 – 10 September 2010


• Night observations at the darkest spot in Europe.
• Quality lectures by international experts.
• Splendorous sights of this beautiful nature park.
• Telescopes will reveal 0.5 to 4 magnitudes fainter objects in comparison with the majority of amateur observatories in Europe.
• Seeing is considerably better at Lastovo than in most of Europe, so fainter objects are more easily visible with more details.
• Observing the Milky Way as you may not have seen it before.
• Under good conditions you might see the reflection of the Milky Way in the sea.
• Night swimming in water with luminescent plankton (visible only in dark places).
• Warm, crystal clear sea, also great for swimming and diving.
• You might see the zodiacal light and gegenschein.
• Combine summer family holidays with astronomy.
• Affordable prices.


call +386 1 477 66 53 or write to Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je videli..

Topics of the Symposium:

• Light pollution as a threat to professional and amateur astronomy, animals and humans.
• Night sky as cultural and natural heritage.
• How to reduce light pollution in urban areas and how should individuals contribute.
• The role of astronomers, park managers, biologists and environmentalists in establishing dark-sky parks.
• Tourism opportunities under dark skies.
• Establishment of international association of dark-sky parks.

For Whom?

• Astronomers, biologists, conservationists and their families,
• Professionals from protected areas,
• Professionals from the field of (eco)tourism, natural and cultural heritage,
• Representatives of NGOs,
• Lighting experts to experience what we are bereft of in most parts of Europe.
Lastovo Island in Croatia is a part of Lastovo archipelago, which was proclaimed Nature Park in 2006. Contrary to the most sites in Europe Lastovo still retains relatively natural night sky.


We are looking forward to welcoming you!
Initiative for International Association of Dark-Sky Parks
Dark-Sky Slovenia


You are invited to attend also the 10th European Symposium for the protection of night sky in Kaposvár, Hungary from 3rd – 4th September 2010.  


See also:

3rd International Dark-Sky Camp
 3rd International Symposium for Dark-Sky Parks and 3rd International Dark-Sky Camp Lastovo, 6-10 September 2010 3rd International Symposium for Dark-Sky Parks and  ...








































  • Dejan said More
    Siniša wrote:
    Dejane, protoćelija je, samo obična...
    21 sati ranije
  • Ego said More
    Život možemo slikovito uporediti s... 1 dan ranije
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    Čemu ovo šarlatanastvo na Astronomiji?... 5 dana ranije
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