November 13,2009.

Dear colleagues,

Almost exactly nine years ago,on November 9, 2000., some of you have received an e-mail entitled ILBA. It contained the "zero" issue of an electronic newsletter which had the title Information Letter on Balkan Astronomy. It was jointly edited by the undersigned and dr. Milcho Tsvetkov from the Institute of Astronomy of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. For various reasons the publication of ILBA came to a stop on April 4,2004. when issue 23  was released.

At the meeting of the SREAC committee, held in Belgrade on September 28.-30.,2009. it was decided to re-start the publication of an information letter in "the spirit" of ILBA, but with a different name. The name Sreac newsletter seemed appropriate, as this newsletter will be distributed as an official bulletin of the SREAC Committee. It will contain news not only on activities of SREAC, but also on all kinds of activities in space related activities in South East Europe. The frequency of publication will depend on the flux of incoming information. Therefore, if   the idea of exchanging information in such a way seems attractive to you, please send any information concerning meetings, research, publications, donations, grants, studies... whatever else to the undersigned, and it will be distributed as soon as possible to all those on the mailing list. This list can of course be extended.


Clear skies and speedy computers to all,

Author: Vladan Čelebonović


  • Драган Танаскоски said More
    Evo analogije koja može da pomogne... 9 sati ranije
  • Драган Танаскоски said More
    Problem je u tome što mi ne možemo... 15 sati ranije
  • Rapaic Rajko said More
    Prva slika u clanku je moj favorit za... 18 sati ranije
  • Rapaic Rajko said More
    Zasto prva osoba (inicijator promene... 18 sati ranije
  • Драган Танаскоски said More
    Šteta što se oštetio. Da nije... 2 dana ranije
