Hello everyone

The 100HA Task Team wish to remind you all to register your 100HA events if you haven't already done so.
Once complete, an online final report of your event can be filed and a participation certificate downloaded for your group records. The use of information we gather from your events will give us an idea of how many people the 100HA celebration reached and how successful it was.

Register Your 100 Hours of Astronomy Event
It is not too late to register your 100HA event - to do so please click here and follow the instructions http://www.100hoursofastronomy.org/component/eventlist/editevent

100 Hours of Astronomy Online Event Report
We encourage you all to file an event report on your registered 100HA event/s. This is an online report form and is easily completed. It can be saved as a PDF file and used for your personal records or as part of your application process for the 100HA awards and prizes.

1. To access your event report, you must be the person who originally registered your event on the 100HA website as it requires you to be logged onto the website.
2. If you only registered a 'Venue' and not an 'Event' then you will be unable to file a final report. We recommend you register an Event to accompany your Venue for successful reporting.
100 Hours of Astronomy Task Team
100ha-events mailing list
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  • Baki said More
    Verovatno bi bilo zanimljivo pročitati... 1 dan ranije
  • Miroslav said More
    Verujem da ste svi neko poodavno neko... 5 dana ranije
  • Aleksandar Zorkić said More
    Poslao sam pet primedbi – odgovora na... 5 dana ranije
  • Miki said More
    A ja b' rek'o da će ipak 'Merikanci...... 6 dana ranije
  • Драган Танаскоски said More
    Neobjavljeni tekst je pisao čovek koji... 6 dana ranije


Mere - Koliki ugao nebeske sfere zauzima ispružena šaka