The Known Universe by AMNH

The Known Universe takes viewers from the Himalayas through our atmosphere and the inky black of space to the afterglow of the Big Bang. Every star, planet, and quasar seen in the film is possible because of the world's most complete four-dimensional map of the universe, the Digital Universe Atlas that is maintained and updated by astrophysicists at the American Museum of Natural History. The new film, created by the Museum, is part of an exhibition, Visions of the Cosmos: From the Milky Ocean to an Evolving Universe, at the Rubin Museum of Art in Manhattan through May 2010.

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  • Dragan Tanaskoski said More
    Pokušavam da napišem neki tekst koji... 1 dan ranije
  • Dragan Tanaskoski said More
    Još bolje bi bilo da Sunce stoji (jer i... 2 dana ranije
  • Miroslav said More
    Samo da dodam još jedan razlog za izbor... 2 dana ranije
  • Aleksandar Zorkić said More
    U ono davno vreme smatralo se da tamo... 2 dana ranije
  • Dejan said More
    Da li ima neki poseban razlog što je... 2 dana ranije
