It's unbelievable, but I managed to do an astrophotography (in this "weather")

I send my latest astrophotography made during the current period of weather briefly in the morning of July 24, 2011 :-) - between successive non-stop rain for weeks this year's "Summer" :-(

Hence the title of the poetry is a paraphrase of Horace: "Carpe Nocturno" ("catch the night") ;-)

On the first pictures you can see traces of artificial fly two satellites in the constellation Cassiopeia and the background of the Andromeda galaxy M31, on the following pictures appear above the building, among others constellation of Capricorn, which was actually an asteroid (4) Vesta, along with NASA's orbiting probe her "Dawn" [of course not visible in the photo *)], the last image on a spectacular close about 4,5° conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter ...

Stavite kursor na fotografiju da se učutaju podaci

Author: Andržej Karon


  • Rapaid said More
    Ako se uzme da se sve kreće brzinom... 20 sati ranije
  • Aleksandar Zorkić said More
    Ah, kako da niko nije čuo za... 21 sati ranije
  • davor94 said More
    :D :D Henri Poincaré je osnova, za... 1 dan ranije
  • Rapaic Rajko said More
    Kao diplomirani ucesnik skole, mogu vam... 3 dana ranije
  • Zoran said More
    Religija STOP
    DA astronomija,
    bravo... 4 dana ranije