
Skywatcher ED 80
15/1/2010 7:51
Shutter Speed 1/2000
Aperture Value 7.5
ISO 100

The weather has been horrible the past week throughout Europe and which included the southeastern Mediterranean which often escapes such serious fronts.

The attached image was taken from a distance of 2000 meters to the southwest of the Temple of Poseidon and which was determined to be the optimal location
for such a SINGLE exposure image a priori thanks to advance work all of this week by my good friend and colleague Anthony Ayiomamitis and myself and involving countless trips and calculations. Unfortunately, Anthony could not make it on time due to an accident on the highway and which allowed me to pursue the eclipse on behalf of both of us.

The greek gods did their part by helping clear the sky in the immediate vicinity of the temple just minutes before the sun were to rise and which made this
result possible.

Some links of possible interest include the following:

(2) (further details on my website in relation to this result)
(3) (my website with rich samples of landscape astrophotography)
(4) (Anthony's APOD last month involving the Temple of Poseidon)

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  • нина :D said More
    divno, divno, hvala gosn. 6 sati ranije
  • Baki said More
    Klajd Vilijam Tombo preminuo je 1997. u... 4 dana ranije
  • Vladan Andric said More
    Ja mislim da je Mesec nekakav stit... 5 dana ranije
  • marino1 said More
    snjeg u opoziciji, aaa predobar... 5 dana ranije
  • Miroslav said More
    Dragane "teška pitanje teoriji... Pre 1 nedelje