In last days I'm very busy, but I found some free time to take these photos, when the weather @night was sometimes beautiful..

I taken:
- Jupiter & Mercury on Dec 30

- A few photos of The Moon (these photos aren't excellent, but I have hope, so in future will be better seeng...

- colors of Orion - in about 3 min exposure a stars are changed as short lines – it vas visible excellent orange color of Betelgeuse and white/blue color of other major Orion stars and PINK color of M42 in Orion's sword... (on this photo I used as decoration my Bresser Skylux 70/700)

Best Regards

 Kliknite na fotografiju 
Moon.jpg (22963 bytes)
Moon2.jpg (11837 bytes)
Moon3.jpg (15649 bytes)
Moon4.jpg (10625 bytes)
Moon5.jpg (35864 bytes)
Moon6.jpg (144887 bytes)
Orion_Colors.jpg (36059 bytes)
Jupiter_Mercury.jpg (22706 bytes)

Author: Andržej Karon


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