Astronomi posmatrači ne vole Mesec, posebno kad je pun, jer im njegovo svetlo smeta da dobro vide druge, naročito bledunjave nebeske objekte. Pa i astrofotografi koji snimaju Mesec, radije biraju neku njegovu fazu kada se dobar deo senke nalazi na Mesečevom disku jer su tada duž senke lepo uočljivi brojni detalji reljefa našeg satelita. Ali, ali! Ima i onih astrofotografa kojima je baš pun Mesec snažna inspiracija i oni su u stanju da naprave zbilja maestralne fotografije. Pogledajte nekoliko, možda će vas inspirisati. (Preuzeto sa EarthSky) |
Hunter’s Moon from Indiana by Carol Spicuzzi. Stephanie Whitman wrote, “Hunter’s Moon 2017 as seen with my 20mm telescope lens from Dunlap, Illinois.” April Singer Photography captured this photo on November 3 and wrote: “One in a series of shots as the Hunter’s Moon rose over the Sangre de Cristo mountains. It started as a glow behind that patch of clouds and then rose until it was out of the clouds. Beautiful moonrise. Northern New Mexico, USA. C.B. Devgun in New Delhi, India wrote on November 4: “Tonight’s full moon with Pleiades? No! While shooting the moon, a few hanging LEDs came in between ... and made this beautiful Bokeh effect!” |
Pogledajte i ostale fotografije na EarthSky |
Lovci na pun Mesec
- Detalji
- Kategorija: Fotografija
- Autor Astronomski magazin